20190607 three tree 0474

Three Tree Gazette

  • Gingerbread house

    The Holidays

    Ah, the season is already upon us. Montessori practitioners can at times rightly be accused of ambivalence toward the holidays. Perhaps that can be said of a lot of us, when our local department stores are already festooned in Christmas regalia before we’ve even cleared the Halloween hurdle. It can be hard to reconcile the true meaning of holidays with the fatigue induced by the marketing juggernaut that bombards us from every TV, radio, billboard, and store display.

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  • Burke2

    Cake at the Museum

    This week, a group of about seven Lower Elementary children (ages 6-9) made a Going Out trip to further their research on the art, history, and culture of Native American peoples in the Puget Sound area. (Going Out is a topic worthy of its own future post.)

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  • Bella lou lou

    Education and Peace

    Sometimes it seems like peace in the heart is in short supply. Bomb blasts in Baghdad, civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and yet another tragic school shooting less than 50 miles away. Our hearts go out to those who are suffering pain and loss. It feels especially shocking when terrible things happen in schools, which should be physical and psychological safe havens.

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  • IMG 0269 720x960

    The Natural World

    “An environment-based education movement—at all levels of education—will help students realize that school isn’t supposed to be a polite form of incarceration, but a portal to the wider world.”

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