Admissions and Enrollment Process
TTMS welcomes students of every race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression who otherwise meet admission criteria. The faculty and administration stand together in the belief that our admission policies, consistently applied, will result in the very best Montessori experience for the children who attend.
The admissions process begins with an in-person school tour and classroom observation attended by prospective parents/guardians. Once the tour is complete, the family can choose to submit an application and a $75 non-refundable fee. After the paperwork and fee are received, the child is placed into the wait pool.
When it is determined that a classroom space is available, the family is notified and given an Enrollment Contract to complete. Families are given a deadline to return the contract and a $550 deposit to hold the child’s placement. If the deadline is not met, the space will be offered to the next child in the waitpool.
Admission Placement Policy
Criteria for placement is based on classroom availability, as well as the child’s age and readiness for the program. We strive to maintain classrooms that are balanced in age and gender, as this provides the optimal environment for academic and social growth. Priority for placement is given as follows:
- Siblings of current students.
- Children with previous Montessori experience.
- New applicants.
Class Selections for New Students
Children are placed in a classroom community that the Admissions/Enrollment Manager, in consultation with the classroom Guides, feels will be beneficial to the child and the community as a whole. A child will remain in the same class throughout their duration in that program.
Re-enrollment begins in February for the following school year. Current TTMS families receive enrollment priority, so it is important that returning families complete the re-enrollment process by the deadline. Each family is required to submit a $550 non-refundable deposit per child that holds your child’s spot for the upcoming school year. Your $550 deposit will be applied to tuition through the 10 months of the school year, resulting in a $55 per month deduction for the amount due each month. If you choose to pay the tuition in full at the beginning of the school year, the total enrollment deposit will be deducted from that payment.