Three Tree Gazette
The Prepared Environment
The properly prepared environment of a Montessori classroom is of substantial importance in regards to the physical and psychological development of the children who are part of the community.
Neurodiverse Children in Montessori
There have always been children who are different. When Doctor Montessori was teaching, some of her students may have been called flighty, energetic, or antisocial. Some children were among her “unteachable” students at the mental institution.
Grit: Developing Strength of Character
Life is difficult. So it was affirmed for me when I read M. Scott Peck’s book, “The Road Less Traveled” while trudging through the challenges of my early twenties.
Foundations for Reading & Writing in a Montessori Primary Environment
Most of us have heard that the best way we can support our children’s journey into reading is to read to them, and if we’re short on time, to play audiobooks. The richness of the language, it’s cadences, interesting vocabulary and imagery, all draw a child in.
Self-construction is the developmental process by which a child constructs the person they will become. Children are building up their sense of self through the experiences of life and everything they do is part of constructing their personality.
Scientific Pedagogy
Montessorians pride ourselves on having a scientific pedagogy. Our curriculum and our choices in the classroom are informed not only by our own experiences, but also by the observations and findings of 116 years of Montessori educators.