20190607 three tree 0474

Three Tree Gazette

  • Sensitive Periods

    Sensitive Periods are among the distinctive phases that occur for children within the First Plane of Development from birth through around age 4.5 to six years (exact timing depends on the specific sensitivity and the child).

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  • The Capstone Year

    The Capstone year within the Montessori environment is magical, unique, and special. Commonly known as the “Kindergarten” year, at Three Tree Montessori School we choose to call this special year the Capstone year.

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  • Going Out: Practical Life in the Elementary Classroom

    Children in our toddler and primary classrooms engage in Practical Life work inside the classroom. They learn how to care for themselves (through hair combing, teeth brushing, dressing), clean the leaves of plants, prepare snack, polish a shoe, wash a table, and many other important life skills. Children of these classrooms are interested in learning this practical life work for many reasons.

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  • Pulling the Plug

    Parenting is ridiculously hard. So hard that it can lead to pure mental and physical exhaustion. My wife and I have two boys, ages three and five. They challenge every aspect of our being.

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  • Freedom and Limits

    Children are born with great potential. Your child’s task is to develop their individual self and become a fully independent adult. However, they cannot complete the task of self-construction without purposeful movement, exploration, and active experiences in their environment.

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